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Skeletal strength helps improve posture

OsteoStrong Ballwin Missouri
OsteoStrong Ballwin Missouri

OsteoStrong helps with improve your posture

Dramatic improvements can happen quickly at all ages with regular OsteoStrong sessions. Both members below experienced the results shown here in less than 8 sessions (2-months). Many others see similar results because of the unique yet simple way that OsteoStrong sessions engage the entire musculoskeletal chain.

The skeletal system is the foundation for your body and provides more than just strength and protection. It is arguably one of the most critical systems of the human body, and by implementing a strategy to care for and strengthen it, many experience the following results:

• Improved Bone Density
• Improved Posture
• Improved Balance
• Improved Athletic Performance
• Less Joint and Back Pain

• More Confident In Their Daily Life

Join us for a FREE Session at OsteoStrong 


Only 4 exercises, 1 day a week lasting less than 15mins!

• Sweat-free

• Will not leave you feeling fatigued or sore

• Painless

Research shows that the stimulus required to trigger growth of healthy bone tissue is 4.2X body weight. Achieving that level of stimulus would be difficult for many without the OsteoStrong Spectrum System. However, OsteoStrong members easily, safely and without injury or pain, achieve forces in excess of 5 to 12 times their own body weight.  

OsteoStrong® is a biohack that helps you strengthen the foundation of your body – the skeletal system. Unlike other health solutions, you don’t have to spend hours at a gym or exert physical energy that will leave you feeling tired by the time you’re done. Just show up as you are and we’ll handle the rest!

The Proof Is In The Research


OsteoStrong Ballwin Missouri


OsteoStrong Ballwin Missouri
OsteoStrong Ballwin Missouri
  • OsteoStrong Ballwin Missouri
  • Osteostrong Ballwin Missouri

OsteoStrong - Sunset Hills
10210 Watson Road 
Sunset Hills, MO 63127



OsteoStrong Ballwin 

110 Holloway Road

Ballwin, MO 63011


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